life in!!!!
Published on August 18, 2004 By uncivilcivilservant In Blogging
Well I'm back at the Funny Farm having had my couple of months playing with the PDA a couple of weeks holiday I find myself back here. What a drag! As usual I've just had an interview for another job and I'm waiting for the answer. Sickeningly enough the PDA team is still ongoing and one of the folk I trained is sitting pretty, whilst I'm back here. Same old crap. This week I've applied my mind and come up with a way to improve our service, very limited cost plenty of positives. Simple answer from the next rung of our management, can't do it, we'd have to seek agreement from the unions. So why not I ask surely we all want to get better at our jobs surely we all want to give a good service. None of this is rocket science none of this requires massive capital investment just the damned desire to get the job done to the best of our ability. Not a wonder the government want to cut 40,000 off our payroll, they could start with most of our management.
on Aug 19, 2004
Whoopee its finally happened, one of my zillions of applications has resulted in me getting promoted - I guess I better stop maligning management as pretty soon I'll become one. Heaven forbid, if I stop asking and challenging you all better kick me in the *r*e. The bonus is we now have a reason to go out and celebrate. Wonder how quickly time will pass till I can escape the clutches of this place and reside and work in an area populated by normal human beings capable of rational thought and conversation. Don't hold your breath but watch this space.